Proper nutrition keeps my body in excellent working order

By:"Lei Mapindan



My body consists of precious muscles, joints, and tissues. How I treat them determines how well my body supports me, so I treat them well by eating a healthy diet. I help prevent toxins by eating natural and unprocessed foods.


My brain is also dependent on my diet for proper functioning. I commit to having foods that keep my mind clear and sharp. Vitamins are great contributors to mental clarity. Consuming fiber helps me fight bacteria. My daily diet contains several servings of fruit, vegetables, and other natural sources of fiber. Having these foods contributes to my body's disease-fighting capabilities. Maintaining proper nutrition means ensuring that I eat consistently. I stick to a standard routine for having meals. Making the time for meal breaks also gives me a chance to release stress.


When I allow myself time away from my desk, I am refreshed. Eating foods that keep me alert and energetic contribute greatly to my productivity. Although I allow myself to indulge in treats and snacks, I keep those to a minimum. Overconsumption of unhealthy calories negatively impacts my mind and body.


Today, I know that healthy living begins in the kitchen. My choice of meals is a reflection of how I feel about myself.


I choose to make healthy choices in food so that I continue to serve my body well.




by: Lei Mapindan